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Outward Performance

Arbinger’s work reveals two distinct mindsets from which people and organizations operate—a self-focused inward mindset and an others-inclusive outward mindset. The Outward Performance workshop equips participants with a set of self-awareness tools, mindset change tools, accountability tools, and collaboration tools. Equipping participants for greater self-awareness & collaboration among their teams.

Empty Chairs

Studies show that organizations that focus on shifting to an outward mindset are four times more likely to succeed in organizational-change efforts than companies that focus only on changing behavior. By helping leaders to turn organizational systems and processes outward provided a strong invitation for sustained systemic change

• Understand two mindsets and their implications on results
• Assess the extent to which they are working with an inward mindset
• Change their mindsets to become more outward
• Re-conceive their jobs to make them more outward
• Hold themselves more fully accountable
• Report on performance in a way that keeps them working outward
• Work in a way that is more collaborative, fulfilling, and effective
• Positively influence others to change
• Address and resolve conflicts

Outward Performance is offered virtually by zoom in five interactive half-day sessions with key concepts and discussion taught by an Arbinger-certified Facilitator. Cohort size is 20-35 participants. Open to all Oregon state government or other governmental employees.

See program flyer for additional details. Register with Workday Learning or contact the ASCENT Team using the form below.

*Outward Performance is the intellectual property of The Arbinger Institute.

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