Event - Story
The mind is a meaning making machine and is essential to keep us safe and make sense of the world around us. It is wasted effort to try and turn it off. Interpretation of data (our story) happens in nanoseconds. That speed can be helpful or harmful. The story includes you, others, and the situation. Based on the story, you generate actions to produce results that feel GOOD and avoid results that feel BAD. To interpret new events, the brain quickly searches the memory center for data that seems relevant. Therefore, interpretation of events occurring now is strongly impacted by the past. Unfortunately, our software can get outdated. Fortunately, software can be changed at any time. Some of the past stories may no longer be accurate or effective. Often, we are unconscious of the old stories and of how the stories influence our perception of current events.
Model Referenced From
Developmental and Educational Psychology, Jean Piaget, Viktor Frankl, Robert Kegan, Jack Mezirow
Model PDF Created by
Stephanie Holmes
There are two primary approaches to life. The conventional or "normal" approach is to focus on what we have and do to arrive at who we are. This approach puts us at the mercy of others and our circumstances. Another approach is to recognize that actions and results are sourced by our mindset and thinking. Fortunately, choice of our mindset and how we want to deploy ourselves "being" is particularly powerful and purposeful. When we get clear about who we want to BE and the results we want to HAVE, we also see clearly about what we will DO.
Model Referenced From
L. Ron Hubbard, Conditions of Existence
Model PDF Created by
Stephanie Holmes
Transformation Cycle
Transformation is a process with predictable stages. Understanding the process and can help one navigate. The stages are not linear. The rate of moving through the stages will vary greatly for each individual. The world does not stop while we are in the midst of the process. Transformation efforts require courage to move forward in the face of uncertainty. However, as you move forward without knowing everything, you begin to get a clearer view of what the end-state will look like.
Model Referenced From
Transformation Systems Intl
Model PDF Created by
Stephen Hacker
Intention vs. Mechanism
Intention produces results despite the presence of obstacles and barriers. Mechanism explains away the under-performance in the form of "story", excuses and blame. The mechanism drama increases in proportion to the amount of under-performance. When barriers and obstacles arise, your will fuels your ability and creativity to overcome them. When a result is important to you, your intention will get you there. Results produced indicate your true intentions (conscious or unconscious).
Model Referenced From
Transformation Systems Intl
Model PDF Created by
Stephen Hacker
Iceberg of Awareness
Rarely, do we see the whole picture. This model reminds us that what we observe through our senses is limited and provides only a small portion of the actual data available in a situation. Awareness is limited both when we observe others and interpret their motivations and when we reflect on our own actions. Discovery creates options and possibility for new results. Seeking to discover brings more data; more data brings more options. Once the undiscovered is discovered, ‘it’ can be consciously used or changed.
Model Referenced From
Model PDF Created by
Stephanie Holmes
The science of behavior and motivation has shifted. The old notion of "carrots" and "sticks" works in only very limited circumstances. Today's employee seeks Mastery, Autonomy, Contribution and Fairness.
Model Referenced From
Drive by Daniel H. Pink
Model PDF Created by
RSA Animate
Breakdowns occur in any situation when fulfillment of a commitment is uncertain. Breakdowns require us to face the reality of its occurrence and seek productive dialogue to learn from it. Breakdowns can lead to breakthroughs …when handled well. Breakthroughs help us find new ways to approach work and achieve results. Handled poorly, a breakdown can result in minimizing or ignoring problems, which leads to blaming others and eroding teamwork, trust, and effectiveness. All large commitments will have breakdowns. Without real commitment there is no breakdown. The greater your commitment, the more frequent breakdowns will be.
Model Referenced From
Model PDF Created by
Stephanie Holmes